- Name:
- St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
134 N. Division, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503, United States
Upcoming Events At This Venue
August 21, 2012
Nourishing Ways Annual Potluck
Cook out of Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions Cookbook or bring your own specialty. Don’t worry if it’s not 100% WAPF, just enjoy the company and the food.
If your last name begins with A-K please bring a main dish.
If your last name begins with L-S please bring a side dish.
If your last name begins with T-W please bring a dessert.
If your last name begins with X-Z please bring some type of
fermented/sprouted bread/roll.
Feel free to trade with anybody. Bring your own table settings,
silverware, napkins, drinks. Please bring enough food to serve 10 people.
Bring your family!!!