Greetings! By the time this is auto-posted, I should be somewhere between Kabale, Uganda and Kigali, Rwanda. If you’d like to read my travel updates, head over to I look forward to reading all about what’s going on in West Michigan when I get back!
Around the West Michigan Blogosphere: Greetings from Kampala Edition
Greetings! By the time this is auto-posted, I should be in Kampala, Uganda, where I will be visiting for two and a half weeks. If you’d like to read my updates, head over to I look forward to reading all about what’s going on in West Michigan when I get back!
If Grand Rapids were a sandwich, what would it be?
Around the West Michigan blogosphere: It’s A Free Country Edition

I can’t help but get sucked into the Oak Park Hates Veggies saga. Maybe because I’ve always admired the front yard gardens of Lisa Rose Starner’s Urban Ranch and Holly Bechiri’s Franklin Farm. I love reading edible landscaping books. And I happen to believe that it’s a free country. At least it should be. So what else is going on in cyberspace? Be sure to visit the links below to find out.
I Heart Michigan Vodka

I first heard about Valentine Vodka (imported from Detroit) at the Wine & Food festival last fall. Then, I was reminded of it as I stood at Art of the Table trying to find a last minute Valentine’s Day gift. (I bought the husband a bottle). Although I’m not a huge vodka drinker, it was very smooth. Now, I hear they won an award!
Jailed for a front yard garden?
Around the West Michigan Blogosphere: Nourish Edition

First of all, congrats to Nourish Organic Market! I haven’t made it over to the store yet, but I have enjoyed their selections in the past when I saw them at Trillium Haven Farm, Grassfield’s, and I even had a delivery once. I’m so glad it’s its own store now. Check them out for a gorgeous array of amazingly delicious, seriously healthy, beautifully handcrafted foods. What else is news?